Sunday, December 07, 2008

The following is a quote by Ted Byfield that Milly sent to me; I thought it was worth sharing. :D And yes, I hope to be blogging again soon, sorry for the dry spell. :)

" believe anything at all is to believe it true. To believe something true is to believe that whatever is incompatible with it must be false. And to believe somebody else's belief false is implicitly intolerant. Therefore, if intolerance is an evil, belief itself - in anything - is an evil. So the only way we can get rid of intolerance is to prohibit belief. Which, of course, would be very intolerant indeed."

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Great quote! And when you realize we ourselves, how often have believed a lie and the tolerance showed us by not only others and God Himself....That's what love is, don't you think?
Good to see you posting:)