Monday, July 30, 2007

1. HTML is still beyond me
2. I can never ("never" used in the loose sense) think of what I need to do next when I have the time to do it. :)
3. It is hard not to make noise when some one is sick, everything likes to make a racket and the moving of cutlery is similar to the sound of crashing cymbals (sorry Tammy)
4. Headaches can cause vomiting
5. Poor Tam

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Heya, ho-ah, me -ah posta. :D

So I'm in Albany, and thus far having a great time visiting, cooking for people, meeting other Christians, hanging out with Manda, Tam, and Shawn, bible study etc. etc. :)

As for the work side of things we're getting there. So far we've organized all of the closets and cupboards which should aid in our ability to find what we're looking for. ;) We've started the search for ways to advertise Scarlet Stitch, and we have a bunch of hats that are primed and ready for sewing. Have a few site bugs I need to iron out, but so long as I have them in mind, I'll get them into motion (ie fixed, eh heh) . So yes, I agree that this is a very slovenly post, but a post never the less.

Here are my five things for the week:

1. Having the ability to fellowship with other believers is a gift of God.

2. The future is uncertain, but hopeful.

3. Swimming pools that don't allow the wearing of tank tops stink, but free admission over rules such qualms.

4. Humidity is a reality I have to face, whether I like being sticky or not.

5. I have the cutest family, if you don't believe me look at the latest pictures of all of my nephews and nieces. :D


Monday, July 02, 2007

Haven't been blogging much, too busy getting ready to go I guess. :) So tomorrow we're off to Jasper to meet up with Dor, Jord, and Co. I've managed to stuff everything in the van
which includes but is not limited to 1 watermelon, camp stove, bible box, stroller, box of food, and cooler; 2 citronella candles, 3 foamies, 4 citronella lamps, 5 bags (which includes my sewing machine) 6 sleeping bags, 7 camp chairs, and now we just have to squeeze in tomorrow morning, and we're off. Then it's to Edmonton, Red Deer, and Albany.

Well, time is up for the blogging while brushing my teeth. Yeah, I like to conserve...I conserve time, space, water, plastic bags, paper plates, interesting news, and interesting blog posts, but I don't want to conserve on sleep, nor do I want to start drooling, must go! :D

