Welcome to my world. I assume you're either here for links or a new post, so I thought I'd try and provide both, as I do on occasion. Mostly so that I don't become labeled as defunct. :D
Hm, what have I been up to? Mostly spring type things. Painted the kitchen and hallway, raked the rocks from our front lawn (we get tons of them there, courtesy of the City of Prince George and it's gravel trucks and snow plows), planning for this the garden, spring cleaning, kids clothes sorting and the list goes on and on. Such a busy time of year, but being active can be quite..hm, fulfilling? Something like that.
Belinda and I took the kids skiing today with a home school group, that was something. Belinda and Geneva stuck to tobogganing, while the kids and I strapped on skis and hit the slightly mushy hills. It was the first time for all three of us, so after some brief lesson, we were left to fend for ourselves. I must say, being able to help them while helping myself was quite the task, but by the end we were getting the hang of it..kind of. They weren't however very successful with the T bar, but hey, at least their necks aren't out of joint. :D After 2:00 the kids had had their fill, so I went up with the G's who were also there and Mike gave me many helpful pointers so that by the time I made it to the bottom (neck still in proper alinement)I was starting to gain better control. After that point we returned home with our nice sunburnt faces, although maybe I should say rosy faces, sounds less cancer causing and more positive. :D Forgot to give a thought to the sun, oops.
As for this next week I'm leaving on Thursday to house/doggy sit for my Aunt Debbie in GP. Should be a nice time, and plan to take a few things along with me to keep me busy. So after almost two weeks of that I shall return home to build another compost box, rototill the garden and anything else that requires my immediate attention.
Okidoki, I'll try to post a few pictures of the kitchen, in its new shade of pale yellow and all if its messy glory. :D
Have the blessed Lord's day. :)